Can we make use of AWS Credits to Purchase the reserved instances?


We have some credit amount left in our AWS Account. We wanted to purchase the AWS Reserved Instances using the AWS Credits that are remaining in our AWS Account. Can we make use of it?

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Promotional credits can't be applied to upfront costs for Partial Upfront RIs, All Upfront RIs, or Savings Plans.

However, the hourly rates that you pay for running instances can be covered by your credits when you have Partial Upfront RIs, No Upfront RIs, or Savings Plans.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

In this case the solution could be to purchase RIs or Savings Plans with the No Upfront payment option. With this payment option, you get monthly charges for the RI/SP subscription, which are included in your regular monthly bill, which can be covered by Credits. However, I highly recommend to check which services are covered by your Credits. Because, for example, if you got Credits to cover certain AWS services, which don't have RI model, or if your Credits don't specify that they can cover Savings Plans, then even if you buy No Upfront RIs or SP, you may not get covered. If you're not sure - you can open a support case from your account, and our support team should be able to help you to find out which services can be covered by your credits.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

Does RDS RIs no upfront monthly bill can be paid using credits

answered a year ago

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