API Gateway endpoint Authentication from ServiceNow



Have a few Services run via API Gateway in multiple AWS accounts. I am trying to invoke API Gateway from the ServiceNow platform, so trying to figure out how can I authenticate API Gateway without storing credentials locally into ServiceNow. There are some limitations on the ServiceNow platform as below:

  • The ServiceNow platform supports only Native JavaScript and cannot import any external packages like aws_auth etc to generate signatures to authenticate API.
  • I do not want to write a whole function to generate Signature4 into ServiceNow which requires a store access key and secret_key to store into ServiceNow.
  • Can we use the IAM role to authenticate API from the external app?

Please suggest on best approach to avoid regular kyes/password rotation, storing locally into ServiceNow.

1 Answer

Have you looked into lambda authorizers? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-use-lambda-authorizer.html

You could pass a token and api key from service now which then gets validated by the api gateway authorizer

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answered a year ago

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