How do I get an elastic IP address un-locked without premium support?


I have an elastic IP address that I am unable to release. Any attempts to release said IP address results in an error message saying it is locked to my account.

I have tried all the solutions I could find online:

  1. Making sure there is no rDNS record.

  2. Making sure the IP isn't associated with anything.

  3. Attaching and detaching it to a new EC2 instance and then trying to release it.

  4. Other random items, including trying to release it from the cli.

I'm not sure how to actually unlock this thing as I don't know what's locking it.

asked a month ago122 views
1 Answer

Since you've managed to attach and detach the EIP successfully, it clearly isn't associated with any resource. The likeliest explanations would be either that a reverse DNS record would be configured, which you checked already, or that AWS support would've locked the EIP to your account based on an earlier request. The latter option in mentioned in this documentation article:

I suggest you double check that a reverse DNS record doesn't exist for the EIP with the aws ec2 describe-addresses-attribute --allocation-ids eipalloc-123456 --attribute domain-name CLI command (, and if not, then raise a support ticket to get the address released.

I think support will probably accept the request under the "Account and billing" option also available without Enterprise or Business Support, since it's directly connected to a service you are charged for:

Leo K
answered a month ago
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