Cannot create the AWS::Lambda::Function stack in CloudFormation


When creating a AWS::Lambda::Function, CloudFormation threw the error:

Resource handler returned message: "'MemorySize' value failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have value less than or equal to 3008 (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 4da8681c-2412-4561-b667-bb983ecd42e0)" (RequestToken: b41b436a-7594-afcd-f48e-f5b9131aff2d, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)

After checking the AWS Lambda quota, Function memory maximum is 10,240 megabytes. It is not aligned with the 3008 (MB) shown above.

3 Answers


The newer AWS Lambda API allows you to create functions with up to 10,240 MB of memory. However, if you are creating a function using AWS CloudFormation, you will need to use the older API and the maximum memory size will be 3008 MB.

To resolve this issue, you can either:

Use the newer AWS Lambda API to create the function. Use AWS CloudFormation to create the function, but specify a memory size of 3008 MB or less.

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answered a year ago


Unfortunately you are not the first one this happens to, so if your account quota shows 10GB, I recommend that you open a support case.

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answered a year ago


Lambda memory quotas are set low for new accounts, so even if the quota is 10 GB, it may actually be limited.
So, please apply for the lifting of restrictions from the service quota.

New AWS accounts have reduced concurrency and memory quotas. AWS raises these quotas automatically based on your usage. You can also request a quota increase.

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answered a year ago

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