HI i try to use cloudshell i am getting this error i added myself in IAM role cloudshell still not working


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if i try to delete cloudshell it may chance of lost ec2 and s3 bucket instances

asked 3 months ago55 views
1 Answer

Based on the error message you're seeing, it appears you're encountering an account verification issue with AWS CloudShell. This is not directly related to IAM roles or permissions, but rather to the status of your AWS account.

The error message "Unable to start the environment. You must verify your account before accessing CloudShell. To verify your account, contact AWS Support" indicates that there's a requirement for account verification before you can use CloudShell.

This issue cannot be resolved by adding yourself to an IAM role or adjusting CloudShell permissions. It's an account-level concern that requires intervention from AWS Support.

To resolve this, you need to contact AWS Support directly. Even if you're using the free tier, you can open a case with AWS Support for free under the "Account and billing" category. This is the appropriate channel to address account verification issues.

Regarding your concern about deleting CloudShell and potentially losing EC2 and S3 bucket instances - you don't need to worry about this. CloudShell is a separate service and deleting or having issues with CloudShell will not affect your EC2 instances or S3 buckets. These services operate independently of CloudShell.

To proceed, you should open a support case with AWS to verify your account. Once your account is verified, you should be able to use CloudShell without this error.
I cat't use cloudshell | AWS re:Post
Unable to start CloudShell must verify account.Contact AWS Support | AWS re:Post

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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