Ec2 Instance type: What is the difference between "Free tier available" and "eligible" ?


in Ec2 -> Instances -> Instances there is a table with some initially hidden colums.

2 of them are "Free tier available" and "free tier eligible"

I see there is 1 available only, for x86_64 and 1 only eligible for arms.

Whay is the term difference between available and eligible?

asked 4 months ago210 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I think "Free tier available" is an instance type that is eligible for a free tier trial.
I think "t4g.small" is probably displayed as "Free tier available", but this has a free tier trial until December 31, 2024.

Free Trial: Try Amazon EC2 t4g.small instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors free for up to 750 hours / month until Dec 31st 2024. Refer to the FAQ for additional details.

"Free-Tier eligible" is an instance type that is eligible for the free tier for 12 months after creating an AWS account.
This includes, for example, "t2.micro".*all&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=*all

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago


Please look at this link*all&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=*all

Free Tier Available: This means that the instance type is available to be used within the AWS Free Tier. The Free Tier provides customers with a certain amount of usage for AWS services each month at no charge. For EC2 instances, this typically includes a specific instance type and size that can be used for free within certain limits, such as a certain number of hours per month. If an instance type is "Free tier available," it means you can use that instance type within the Free Tier limits without incurring additional charges.

Free Tier Eligible: This means that the instance type is eligible to be used within the AWS Free Tier, but it may not be currently available for new accounts or regions. AWS periodically updates its Free Tier offerings, adding new instance types or changing the eligibility of existing ones. If an instance type is "Free tier eligible," it means it meets the criteria to be included in the Free Tier, but its availability may vary depending on factors such as region or account status.

answered 4 months ago

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