Migrate AutoCAD on-premise workload to AWS


A partner would like to help a customer migrate their on-premise AutoCAD workload to AWS. They are considering recommending Workspaces to the customer to run AutoCAD. The customer will have users from various locations sharing AutoCAD files. Looking for past customer experiences and recommendations with running AutoCAD in workspaces.

asked 7 years ago808 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There are a couple of external references from Autodesk University.

https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/autodesk-workspaces/ http://au.autodesk.com/au-online/classes-on-demand/class-catalog/2016/class-detail/it24097#chapter=0

You'll either need GPU WorkSpaces, or you could try to run non-GPU apps on standard WorkSpaces and spawn the AutoCAD processes off to AppStream 2.0. GPU-based workspaces are hourly-only, and they're currently limited to single-monitor.

We were able to run the entire Autodesk suite on GPU WorkSpaces at AU2016, including Revit, 3DSMax, Inventor, Fusion, etc....but it did require more storage than the default offering. Now that we have resizable storage it shouldn't be a barrier.

answered 7 years ago

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