Why Does My EBS Volume Consumption Increases Day-by-Day


Hello, I have a EC2 Free Tier instance. My volume consumption increases even though I don't do anything. I'm sharing examples. Here is my disk storage from Ubuntu terminal. The total size of the server is 3.6G and 3.5G of it is the OS based files. My Node.js server is running in home/ubuntu and its size is 104M Disk storage

However, my EBS consumption on bills page increases day by day. First it was 4.225G then it jumped up 4.864G and this morning it's 5.536G. As you can see I'm only charged for Frankfurt region I have no other EBS resources on different regions but it still growing up. Billing I have no idea why it is increasing please help.

Edit: I have only 1x25G gp2 SSD and no snapshots.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

It says "GB-Mo" that is gigabytes per MONTH. Reason why it is increasing is because time goes by. You said you have provisioned 25GB EBS disk -> after a month this number will be about "25GB-Mo".

Ps. It has nothing to do with how much of it you have actually "used". This is something AWS can not know for a block device like EBS.

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answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Okay I thought about that too. But in that case shouldn't it increase 104M per-day since my running Node.js server's size is 104M? Yesterday it was 4.864G and this morning 5.536G it increased almost 700M. Does it account the OS based files? But if it account OS files, in that case shouldn't it increase 3.5G per-day since it's the size of OS files? I'm totally confused now. Your clarification will be much appreciated, thanks.


To expand on Kallu's answer, you have a 25GB disk which as he said would consume 25 GB-Mo per month, i.e roughly (25/30) GB-Mo per day = 0.8 GB-Mo per day, which is about what you're seeing.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for answer. Will it exceed the 30GB-mo? I decided to take 25GB disk on purpose to avoid exceeding the 30GB free-tier limit. Is it safe like that? Is there any chance to exceed the limit?

  • No, it will not exceed that limit, unless you decide to add more storage (inscrease the volume size or add new volume). You are charged for what you provision in the case with ESB volumes. If you only created one volume that's 25Gb large, then you should not run over the free tier limit. Also consider that if you are making snapshots of your EBS volume (backups), they are billed separately, and you need to check if you are covered by free tier for snapshots, too.

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