Amazon Monitron Data Buffer


Will the wifi gateway buffer data for some amount of time? The hotspot I am using infrequently restarts on its own and I'm wondering if I'll have missing data if it happens to be cycling during the hourly data collection.

asked 10 months ago235 views
1 Answer

There are a few retries built-in but the measurement can be lost in case the internet connection goes down. The FAQ says the following:

When your facility’s internet connection goes down, Amazon Monitron Gateways will lose connection with AWS. Amazon Monitron Sensors won’t be able to send the data they captured in that period to AWS and, if that period extends, that data will not be persisted. End users trying to access Amazon Monitron app using the facility’s internet will also be not able to access the app during that period.

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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