UnknownOperationException for very basic inputs


Hey gang. I'm playing around with Media Tailor, and I'm not able to get a very basic stream to work.

Here's my source:


And here's my ad URL:


but when I hit the delivery URL, I get:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: x-amzn-RequestId,x-amzn-ErrorType,x-amzn-ErrorMessage,Date,x-amz-source
Content-Encoding: gzip
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 20:20:01 GMT
x-amzn-RequestId: 239afb79-8fee-4494-b644-f25867b8f786
Content-Length: 46
Connection: Keep-alive


Not the most helpful error message. Can any Media Tailor smartypants suggest what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks in advance.

asked 7 years ago3073 views
3 Answers

A. Ramaley -

Sorry it took a bit to get back to you regarding this. Looking at what you provided, I did want to check a couple of quick things that might be causing that error. As it is, you say your source is set up as the following:


Is that what you have configured exactly in the source field in the MediaTailor configuration? If so, this might just be as simple as removing the loopMaster.m3u8 from that field. Due to how MediaTailor manages the source and multiple bitrates, the video source field in the service configuration should point to the path of the m3u8 files as opposed to the specific files themselves.

If that is not what the issues is, if you can let us know what else you have configured in your configuration, such as the advanced configuration fields, and perhaps we can dig a bit deeper into this issue. The configuration for your ads appears at a quick glance to be fine, so I don't suspect that is the issue, but depending, we can dig deeper into that as well, if needed.


Scott L.

answered 7 years ago

Thanks for the note, Scott. Here's the structure of this live M3U8 on our server:

     loopMaster.m3u8 <- master M3U8
     la_loop_1.m3u8 <- 300k variant
     la_loop_2.m3u8 <- 500k variant
     la_loop_3.m3u8 <- 700k variant
     la_loop_4.m3u8 <- 1400k variant

Based on your suggestion, I've tried just this path:


But I don't have directory listing enabled on this server, and I don't know how Media Tailor would intuit the names of the individual variants, let alone their metadata. This version also returns <UnknownOperationException/>

In terms of advanced configuration, "Slate ad", "CDN content segment prefix", and "CDN ad segment prefix" are all "None".

I've tried an alternate configuration where I fill out values for all of these fields that match the content, and I still get an <UnknownOperationException/>

Is there any switch or mode where I can get some debug or diagnostics on the actual underlying exception?

answered 7 years ago

OK, I had a little breakthrough with some other contacts at Amazon. Chalk this up to user error: I saw this section of the console:

HLS playback prefix
The URL that is used to initiate a playback session for devices that support Apple HLS. The session will use server-side reporting.

And failed to notice the "prefix" part. With that, the following modeling works:

Video content source:

And then you put the actual master URL on the end of the delivery URL, like this:


And then the magic happens. Basically, the "video content source" has to be a base path, and then on the delivery URL, you add the remaining relative portion.

answered 7 years ago

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