CDK version of Neptune-to-OpenSearch replication


I am trying to set up a Neptune cluster that is replicated in OpenSearch. Similar to what is provided here via pre-made CloudFormation template:

I have searched online, however, am not able to find any CDK examples of such a use case. As of now I have a Neptune cluster (with streams enabled) set up, and I can set up an OpenSearch domain, but primarily need guidance on the components in between: how to react to changes in the Neptune database- update, delete, create records- and replicate that in Opensearch.


1 Answer


Please note that Neptune-to-OpenSearch replication is a specific use case and the CloudFormation stack is provided as a reference that customer could use with required customization. Hence, there are not much resources and references available. However, I have created a GitHub issue in required repo on your behalf, where you can also add your voice:

Further, to convert any of the given CloudFormation template in CDK package, you can use CDK migrate command. You can learn more about the command from the blog below:

However, please note that as the template mentioned is nested template, you will have convert the template resource by resource into the CDK code with required changes.

Adding to it, if you face any issues in creating the required CDK package, you can also reach out to us by creating a case from Support center where we can assist you better with the troubleshooting.

Thank You!

answered 4 months ago

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