Elastic Beanstalk - Unable to Decouple Database


I am unable to decouple an RDS database from my Elastic Beanstalk environment. I am getting the errors below:

"DB Allocated storage should be more than the previous value."

"RDS DB Engine option setting is not allowed to changed"

Would anyone be able to help me? From what I have researched, this issue started happening when the new Beanstalk UI was introduced. I am unable to use the old UI - I do not see an option to toggle it.

1 Answer


Hope you are doing well!

Before I commence, I would like to sincerely apologize for a delayed response. It took some time while we were investigating this issue.

I understand that you are encountering the following errors while trying to decouple an RDS database from Beanstalk environment using the Elastic Beanstalk console :

DB Allocated storage should be more than the previous value.
RDS DB Engine option setting is not allowed to changed.

In order to assist you with this issue further, I tried replicating the same at my end. Please find the replication steps below that I followed :


a) First, I created an Elastic Beanstalk environment with a coupled RDS having the following configurations :

DBAllocatedStorage: 20
DBEngine: sqlserver-ex
DBDeletionPolicy: Snapshot
DBEngineVersion: 15.00.4236.7.v1
DBInstanceClass: db.t3.medium

b) Once the environment was created, I tried decoupling the database from Beanstalk console and I encountered the same errors you mentioned i.e.

DB Allocated storage should be more than the previous value.
RDS DB Engine option setting is not allowed to changed.

Hence, I was able to replicate the issue at my end. Please allow me to mention that our internal team is aware of the aforementioned error in the Elastic Beanstalk console, and they are working on fixing the same. However, unfortunately, I won't be able to provide an ETA for the fix. That being said, for more visibility, I would recommend you to report this issue on the official GitHub roadmap [1] for Elastic Beanstalk as well. These pages are directly monitored by the Beanstalk internal team and thus, you could track the fix at your end from this GitHub roadmap.

Having said that, in the meantime, I would suggest you to kindly review the following workaround which I believe may be helpful for you to decouple the database using AWS CLI.

Before commencing with the steps, I would like to mention that if it is a production environment, please make sure that DB deletion policy is set to Retain; you could run the below given AWS CLI command to confirm the same at your end. Also, please make sure to take a snapshot of your database before proceeding to decouple the DB from Beanstalk environment.

$ aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-options --environment-name YOUR_ENV_NAME --application-name YOUR_APP_NAME --region YOUR_AWS_REGION

That being said, please review the below given steps to update the environment to decouple database :


i) Run the following AWS CLI command:

 aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name YOUR_ENV_NAME  --options-to-remove Namespace=aws:rds:dbinstance,OptionName=HasCoupledDatabase --region YOUR_AWS_REGION

ii) Once the environment is updated, create another .config file with below content inside the .ebextensions folder present in your application source bundle and then, deploy this application code to the environment.

$ cat .ebextensions/decouple.config 

    HasCoupledDatabase: false

iii) Once the environment is updated, you could verify the settings from above mentioned CLI command i.e. describe-configuration-options whether DB got decoupled or not.

The above steps worked at my end for decoupling the database. Hence, I would request you to kindly try the aforementioned steps at your end as well and see how it goes. If you still face any issues or the above workaround does not help, I would suggest you to kindly reach back to us via a support case [2] and we would be happy to investigate this further for you.

Hope this would be helpful. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Have a nice day!


[1] https://github.com/aws/elastic-beanstalk-roadmap/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-management.html

answered a year ago

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