Unable to attach custom (Cloudflare) ssl certificate - "not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority"


I have 3 subdomains in Cloudflare, in S3 buckets with static website hosting, attach the same certificate, but now is not permit to attach the certificate to a two new static website hosting in S3.

I need to verify anything? The five buckets are in same region, us-east-1.

SSL certificate

The error is

1 Answer


I searched for the error message and found the following document:

This error message indicates that the certificate wasn't issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Issue a certificate from a trusted CA for CloudFront to allow you to use an alternate domain name (CNAME). If your current CA doesn't support this, you can use ACM to issue a free valid certificate.

Note: Self-signed certificates aren't supported.

Are you using a certificate issued by ACM?

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answered a year ago
  • I don't understand, but I have 3 distributions attached to this certificate.

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