How to add a new Web developer to the service


This AWS system is such a spider web. I added a new user in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) section, but it does not ask to add an email address. I am adding it as the user name, but I feel like I am doing this wrong.

I need to add out Full-stack developer with full permissions.

asked 3 days ago22 views
1 Answer


IAM users do not use their email address when signing in.
You will need your AWS account ID, IAM username, and password.
Therefore, after creating a user, you need to tell the member who will be signing in the AWS account ID, user name, and initial password.

The IAM policy required by the developer will depend on what kind of work you want the developer to do, but if you want the developer to perform all operations, I think you should set the "AdministratorAccess" policy.

If you do not create IAM users etc., I think it is a good idea to set the "PowerUserAccess" policy.

It is also possible to set the "AdministratorAccess" policy at the beginning, and once the user has performed a certain amount of operations, use IAM Access Analyzer to generate the necessary IAM policy from the operation history.

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answered 3 days ago
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reviewed 2 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago

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