Compare two images with text and pictures and generate similarity report


I need to implement a solution for comparing two images which had both pictures and text embedded in it. I have to compare these two images and provide comparison report like what text/font/pictures/alignment,colour changed from the previous image to current. Any AI tool in the market that can do without much development effort in building or is it better to build such solution using Amazon Recokgition/Extract etc.. ?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

There is a Image Similarity AI Solution Kit, that can be used to evaluate the similarity of two images. Please see the link: Also, if your use case is comparing faces Amazon Rekognition would make things much easier with its CompareFaces functionality. Please see here:

answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

If there are any further questions feel free to ask. If the answer above is satisfactory to you please mark it as accepted. Thanks!

answered a year ago

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