how to configure If the AWS site-to-site VPN connection (static routing type) has an Active/Passive ?


AWS Site-to-site connection provide usually two tunnel , how can i prioritize or use active/passive when i use static routing ?

asked 7 months ago273 views
1 Answer

I don’t believe it’s possible with static routing. You would have to use BGP.

On a Site-to-Site VPN connection, AWS selects one of the two redundant tunnels as the primary egress path. This selection may change at times, and we strongly recommend that you configure both tunnels for high availability, and allow asymmetric routing. The health of a tunnel endpoint takes precedence over other routing attributes. This precedence applies to VPNs on virtual private gateways and Transit Gateways.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

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