Can EventBridge send the same event to the target at regular intervals while it matches the event pattern?



I'm investigating the best option between Cloud Alarms and EventBridge for my use case which is sending an event to a Lambda Function when a NLB health check fails and I want the event to keep being sent every hour while it has the failed status.

Initially I thought EventBridge would be a better option because it can send the event directly to a Lambda Function while it seems Cloud Alarms need to do this through an SNS topic, but it looks like it isn't possible to create a rule with an event pattern that keeps sending a new event until the rule is not true any more.

So, my conclusion is that Cloud Alarms is the only option. Can you please confirm if I'm right or missing some information?

1 Answer

Hi There

Take a look at this blog post that will walk you through using Amazon EventBridge, AWS Step Function, and AWS Lambda to enable repeated alarm notification on selected CloudWatch Alarms.:

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  • Hi Matt, thanks for the answer. Even though this would work, it seems quite strange and apparently an overkill that we need to use so many AWS products (CloudWatch Alarms, EvenBridge, Step Functions, SNS and Lambda) just to send an alert to trigger a Lambda Function at regular intervals while a LB health check has the status failed. Is this the simplest option?

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