Textract/A2I - Creating a Supervisor Human Review workflow


I have created an environment that applies Textract to a group of documents and then sends those to A2I/SageMaker for a human review. That works fine. Now I've been asked if it is possible to create a Supervisory/Escalation workflow where a reviewer would be able to tag/flag a document and/or key-value pair for review by a supervisor.

I cannot find any documentation for such a functionality, does it exist? If not, I'd welcome suggested work-arounds.

Use case note: this is an admitted unusual use case, we are using Textract & A2I to process historical documents--which means high levels of illegibility--hence the need for a third level of review.

Thanks, Patrick

asked a year ago391 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, the ability to create a supervisory/escalation workflow in which a reviewer can tag or flag a document and/or key-value pair for review by a supervisor is not currently supported.

In this case, alternatively you can try to create a separate A2I workflow with a separate workteam, which includes the supervisors or others that should be on the escalation team. A2I is customizable. You would not use the Textract integration out of the box, but rather create a separate workflow for this use case.Simply create a separate workflow and submit the documents that need to be reviewed to that workflow.

Please be aware that you can always submit a customer support ticket to request that this feature be added to future feature releases. The Textract team welcomes customer feedback and looks into ways to improve the product.

Additionally, please look out for announcements regarding the latest feature releases that are announced on the AWS Textract public release channel.

Thank you!

answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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