How to estimate the number of Cost Explorer UsageRecords ?



I wonder how to estimate the number of Cost Explorer UsageRecords for our account. All AWS blog posts are talking only about EC2 instances, e.g.:

A UsageRecords is defined as one-line of usage. For example, one EC2 instance running for 24 hours will generate 24 distinct usage records at the hourly granularity.


But what about Batch jobs, ECS clusters and all other services ? I guess they also generate their own UsageRecords. I would like to estimate the overall number of generated UsageRecords to estimate additional Cost Explorer spending after opting for Hourly and Resource Level Granularity.

asked 3 years ago457 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

As you mentioned above Reference document -

"AWS Cost Explorer Hourly and Resource Granularity - The Cost Explorer Hourly and Resource level granularity allows you to access cost and usage data at hourly granularity for the past 14 days and resource level granularity. The resource level granularity is available for EC2 instances only. The cost is $0.01 per 1,000 UsageRecords month. UsageRecords are defined as one line of usage. For example, one EC2 instance running for 24 hours will generate 24 distinct usage records at the hourly granularity.

Cost dependent on the number of usage records any service generated at hourly level. The above description explains how it works for EC2 instances. Its same for all the other services.

what you could do is to look at the hourly level CUR report and check for number of usage records generated in the past by the account for each service per day based on that you can arrive at any estimate for 14 days. Because the data will be shown at hourly granularity only for 14 days. This would still be an estimate and that can change based on the usage in the account.

usage records = the line items in the CUR

estimated cost = line items in hourly CUR at the end of the month * 14/30* 0.01/1000 "

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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