Pinpoint Email unsubscribe link setup


Does Pinpoint email marketing have an unsubscribe link built in?

asked a year ago854 views
1 Answer


Yes, Pinpoint email marketing includes a way to unsubscribe. The phrasing and positioning of the unsubscribe link in your email campaigns may be altered, though. To achieve it, follow these steps:

  • If you're using the WYSIWYG Editor, click the spot where the unsubscribe link should go before selecting the "Insert Variable" button. Select "Unsubscribe Link" and press the "Insert Variable" button on the pop-up window. In your email, there will be a link to unsubscribe.
  • Click the text box where you want to place the unsubscribe link in the Drag-N-Drop Editor, then click the "Insert Variable" button on the left. Choose the "Unsubscribe Link" option from the drop-down menu, and it will be inserted where your cursor was.
  • You may update the wording of the unsubscribe link by entering your new text between any two characters, then erasing the previous text.

I hope that was helpful.

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answered a year ago
  • Hi

    I do not see a WYSIWYG Editor option. I only see that I can create my own html. Here in the HTML template there are "Variables" but there is not an "unsubscribe" variable.

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