Run stuck on a device forever, can't start new run, please help


We cannot start any new Android run since yesterday. It looks like one of earlier "stopped" runs is stuck and LG G7 ThinQ is stuck forever in "Stopping..." state and looks like the run cannot fully stop so it blocks all the following runs.

Problematic LG G7 ThinQ run

Following run that's stuck in "Your app is currently being tested. Results will appear here as tests complete." and stays there forever without ever showing any tests or results

Please unblock us since we can't do any Android runs anymore as we have 1 Android slot only.

Thank you.

Edited by: marjanovic on May 21, 2019 5:02 AM

asked 5 years ago319 views
1 Answer

It works again. Thank you for solving this fast.

answered 5 years ago

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