AWS VMC - VMWare on Cloud


Hi Gurus

Appreciate your help on below

  1. On-Prem VMWare clusters to be migrated to AWS - Believe On-prem VMWare clusters can be migrated to AWS EC2 instances or another option is to go for VMC also
  2. How to decide whether need to migrate to AWS EC2 instances or to use VMC - Any technical reasons or Licensing requirements to choose between 2 options
  3. If migrating from on-prem to EC2 instances, AWS MGN can be used and another option is to use HCX as well. In which scenarios to use MGN or HCX . Is there any specific criteria for selecting which tool to use
  4. Another scenario : Diff from above - Migrating from AWS VMC to AWS EC2 instances - Seems like AWS MGN can be used to do this. To migrate from AWS VMC to EC2 instance what are the important points to be considered
  5. In which scenarios AWS VMC workloads will be moved to EC2 instances and what will be the benefits
asked 2 months ago165 views
1 Answer

That is a bit broad question :-) Maybe this would help you get started?

At this point I wouldnt consider VMC on AWS as an option for migration target, but rather start planning migrating away from it if you happen to already have one. See

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answered 2 months ago

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