Aurora MySQL version 8.0.32 is available but not the latest 8.0.36


I want to upgrade Aurora MySQL version 8.0.32 to 8.0.36. Please help me with the process.

asked a year ago908 views
1 Answer

Amazon RDS for MySQL supports new minor version 8.0.36 - announced 12-Feb-2024

Here are the steps to upgrade Aurora MySQL from version 8.0.32 to 8.0.36:

  1. Check the Aurora MySQL version compatibility matrix to ensure 8.0.36 is compatible with 8.0.32. In this case, it is compatible.
  2. Modify the DB instance to enable upgrades. This can be done from the RDS console or using the AWS CLI:

You can follow this guide:

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • The mentioned document is suggesting for Amazon RDS for MySQL not for Aurora MySQL. The question is specific to Aurora MySQL. As of now, I don't see an option to upgrade Aurora MySQL minor version to latest MySQL minor version i.e. 8.0.36. In case the latest MySQL minor version is not available then by when we can expect it to be available as the current MySQL minor version 8.0.32 is causing performance degradation in our SQL queries. As per the MySQL release notes -, "When the MySQL 5.7 Optimizer has 2 choices for an index to filter rows, one primary and one secondary, it picks a range scan on the secondary index because the range scan uses more key parts. MySQL 8.0 did not use this logic, instead choosing the primary index to filter rows with WHERE clause filtering. Primary key use is not suitable in such cases due to the presence of LIMIT, and due to the nature of data distribution. The secondary index was not considered while resolving order by due to constant elimination. This resulted in much different query plans in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0 for the same query. We solve this issue in MySQL 8.0 by skipping the constant key parts of the index during order-by evaluation only if the query is constant-optimized, which can be done at this time, but not during LIMIT analysis. (Bug #34291261)". We need this fix in Aurora.

  • I hope the above comment is explanatory. So requesting the experts to have look into it and kindly revert.

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