Can AWS Glue read data from on-prem Oracle views?


Hi, We are using Glue to read data from on-premise Oracle DB table. The table is large and has 40+ columns. We are interested in data from only 3 columns. Does AWS Glue support reading from Oracle views? Has anyone tried and tested it? Please assist

asked 2 years ago752 views
1 Answer

Hello, Glue Can read objects from any data source that support JDBC connection, following pre-requisites are required: 1) Connectivity is setup between datasource and AWS/VPC and a Security Groups is configured with access 2) A Glue JDBC connector configured with VPC, Subnet, Security Group that has access to datasouce

If you would like to bring on-prem data to AWS, AWS DMS is a great option which also has support for CDC. Following link can help you with the use-case.

answered 2 years ago

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