Alerts on TA check


Hi, I would like to setup monitor my AWS environment and alert my operations team when some resources are flagged as non-compliant. Is it possible to establish this?

asked 16 days ago19 views
2 Answers
  1. Enable Trusted Advisor checks for your AWS resources.
  2. Send Trusted Advisor metrics to CloudWatch.
  3. Create CloudWatch alarms for specific checks and set thresholds for triggering alerts.
  4. Set up SNS topics for notifications and subscribe your operations team.
  5. Optionally, automate remediation with AWS Lambda.
  6. Regularly review and update your monitoring and alerting setup.

This setup will ensure that your operations team is promptly alerted when resources are flagged as non-compliant, allowing them to take necessary actions to maintain compliance and best practices in your AWS environment.

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answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 15 days ago
Accepted Answer

Yes, it is possible to monitor your Trusted Advisor checks and set up alerts for non-compliant resources. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Enable Trusted Advisor Checks:

    • First, make sure that you have enabled the Trusted Advisor service in your AWS account. Trusted Advisor provides recommendations to help you follow AWS best practices.
    • You can enable Trusted Advisor by navigating to the Trusted Advisor console in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Integrate Trusted Advisor with Amazon CloudWatch:

    • You can integrate Trusted Advisor with Amazon CloudWatch to receive notifications when Trusted Advisor checks identify non-compliant resources.
    • To do this, you need to create a CloudWatch event rule that triggers on Trusted Advisor check findings.
    • In the CloudWatch console, create a new event rule and select "Trusted Advisor Check Item Refreshed" as the event source.
    • You can then configure the event rule to take the desired actions, such as sending an SNS notification to your operations team.
  3. Set up SNS Notifications:

    • Create an Amazon SNS topic and subscribe your operations team's email addresses or other communication channels to this topic.
    • In the CloudWatch event rule, configure the target to be the SNS topic you just created.
  4. Customize Notifications:

    • You can customize the SNS notification content to include relevant information about the non-compliant resources, such as the check name, the resource, and the recommended action.
    • You can also configure CloudWatch to include additional details in the notification, such as the check description and the severity of the issue.
  5. Regularly Review Trusted Advisor Recommendations:

    • In addition to setting up alerts, it's also important to regularly review the Trusted Advisor recommendations and address any non-compliant resources.
    • You can access the Trusted Advisor console to view the latest recommendations and track the status of the issues over time.

By following these steps, you can set up a comprehensive monitoring and alerting system to keep your operations team informed about non-compliant resources identified by Trusted Advisor. This will help you maintain the security and compliance of your AWS environment.

answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 15 days ago

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