issues with route53 propagation


hey guys I'm having an issue with route53 DNS propagation - it's been nearly a week and the NS are still stuck on the default aws ones. I've removed them, and added the Cloudflare ones repeatedly, but it's still not working. Any ideas?

  • I am also having the same issue. I have deleted the zones and recreated, wait 2 days, NS are still not updating and not propagating. Route53 test says its good, but its clearly not.

asked a year ago261 views
1 Answer

Assuming this a domain registered at Route 53. Have you updated the NS servers at Route 53 -> Registered domains -> Domain -> Actions -> Edit name servers?

If you have, you should contact AWS support.

Don't edit the NS records in the hosted zone.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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