Cost was incurred in glue and vpc. I want to know the cause and how to solve it.


My Cost

I'm using Pretier. EC2 is using t2.micro. I understand about the crawling cost of glue. But I don't understand why the cost of vpc happened. I don't think there's much traffic and I'm calling the page through my browser alone.

1 Answer


As you know, Glue fees are the fees for running Glue Jobs and crawlers.
For VPC, charges for public IPv4 addresses are recorded.
AWS started charging for public IPv4 addresses starting in February 2024.

You can use a public IPv4 address attached to EC2 for 750 hours per month for free for 12 months after creating an AWS account.
However, public IPv4 addresses attached to other than EC2 are charged.
If the free tier of your AWS account has already expired, public IPv4 addresses will be charged.

I recommend that you use IPAM to check if there are any public IPv4 addresses attached to anything other than EC2.

If you have questions about billing for your AWS account, you may be able to find more detailed information by opening a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing."
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago
  • I have a public ip assigned to EC2 and RDS. Are you saying that the public ip assigned to EC2 is free to use, but the public ip assigned to RDS is charged?

  • Yes, that's right. If you enable public access for RDS and have a public IPv4 address attached to your RDS instance, you will be charged a fee.

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