Not able to access aws cognito identity pool id from flutter app


I have a simple flutter app that will allow users to take a picture and upload it to my S3 bucket. I have created a AWS Cognito identity pool to allow guest access and have set the correct S3 write access policy there. But when I try to upload to S3 from the app I keep getting the error that the mentioned ID pool id is not found. I am using 'amazon_s3_cognito' package to upload the image to S3.

I/System.out(11855): upload failed
E/AwsRegionHelper(11855): error in upload id [ 1 ] : IdentityPool '[my_id]' not found. (Service: AmazonCognitoIdentity; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException;)
I/System.out(11855): upload failed

how do I debug this?

I have made sure my region is correct. I also have the correct S3 write policy in place. I am trying to do the upload through an Android emulator in VS code The package versions are: amazon_s3_cognito: ^0.8.1

asked 2 months ago62 views
1 Answer

The error you're encountering suggests that the Cognito Identity Pool ID you're using in your Flutter app is not found or is incorrect. Here are some steps you can take to debug and resolve this issue:

  1. Double-check your Identity Pool ID: Ensure that the ID you're using in your app exactly matches the one in your AWS Cognito console. Even a small typo can cause this error.

  2. Verify the region: Although you mentioned that you've made sure the region is correct, it's worth double-checking. The region in your app should match the region where your Identity Pool is created.

  3. Check permissions: Ensure that the IAM role associated with your Identity Pool has the necessary permissions to access S3. The error message doesn't indicate a permissions issue, but it's good to verify.

  4. Validate the Identity Pool configuration: In the AWS Cognito console, check if the Identity Pool is properly configured, especially if you're using guest access (unauthenticated identities).

  5. Check AWS credentials: If you're using AWS credentials in your development environment, make sure they are up-to-date and have the necessary permissions to access Cognito services.

  6. Use AWS CLI or SDK for testing: Try to access the Identity Pool using AWS CLI or a simple SDK script to isolate whether the issue is with your Flutter app or with the AWS configuration.

  7. Check network connectivity: Ensure that your emulator has proper internet connectivity and can reach AWS services.

  8. Update the package: Consider updating the 'amazon_s3_cognito' package to the latest version, as there might be bug fixes or improvements.

  9. Enable detailed logging: If possible, enable more detailed logging in your app or the AWS SDK to get more information about the error.

  10. Check for any recent changes: If this worked before, review any recent changes in your AWS configuration or app code that might have caused this issue.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you may need to create a new Identity Pool and update your app with the new ID. Sometimes, recreating resources can resolve unexpected issues.
Amazon Cognito identity pools - Amazon Cognito
Identity pools console overview - Amazon Cognito
Access AWS services from an ASP.NET Core app using Amazon Cognito identity pools - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

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answered 2 months ago

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