SSL Certificate renewal issue


I hope you're doing well. We're currently facing a critical issue with the renewal of our SSL certificate for the domain, which is registered with GoDaddy.

Unfortunately, our previous email regarding this matter went unopened, and the renewal token has since expired. Our attempts to resend the link have also been unsuccessful.

Given the urgency of this situation and its impact on our website's security, we're seeking the community's assistance in resolving this matter.

Could anyone please advise us on the best way forward to ensure a timely renewal of our SSL certificate?

Your input and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support.

asked a year ago312 views
2 Answers


Call GoDaddy's customer support line. Direct calls can often lead to faster resolution than emails or other online communication. When you do reach out, have all pertinent information ready (domain name, the email account that was used for registration, any previous support ticket numbers, etc.).

Get a New SSL Certificate: If you're unable to renew your current SSL certificate, you might have to purchase a new one. If you decide to buy a new SSL certificate, make sure to backup your old SSL private key and CSR (Certificate Signing Request) if you have them. These can be useful, though not necessarily required, depending on the situation.

Regards, Andrii

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

An alternative is to front your EC2 instance with either ALB (Application Load Balancer) or Amazon CloudFront. Use ACM to request public certificate and attach the SSL cert to your ALB or CloudFront.

SSL certs requested from ACM are free. You can select email or DNS validation. Certs requested via DNS validation and attached to AWS resource can be renewed automatically.

answered a year ago

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