Medialive single encode with dual RTP handoffs


We have a single RTMP source into Medialive. We need to generate a single encode and send it to two rtp fec destinations. The encode is identical it just needs to go to our appliance as primary and secondary. They only way I can see to do this is to create a completely second encode (incurring charges for it) and use its output to the second RTP destination. Elemental Live does not have this restriction and curious why Medialive does.

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asked 2 years ago179 views
4 Answers

B-Wilkinson, yes there are architectural different between MediaLive and Elemental Live on-prem encoder. Currently, MediaLive needs to have a separate output defined for each destination, even if two outputs have the identical encoding specs and wrapper or packaging types. If two RTP destinations are required from a Single Pipe MediaLive Channel, then two output encodes would need to be defined. If the MediaLive channel is Standard channel (which is dual pipe) you could define two separate destinations for the A & B encode pipes. The cost for Standard MediaLive channels is higher that Single Pipe channels, and would be more than the cost for adding an output to a Single Pipe channel. Elemental Live, as you indicate, has the ability to define an encode (Stream) and reuse that encode to deliver to multiple outputs and wrapper types.

answered 2 years ago
  • Mike,

    This is a great, very detailed answer. Thank you for taking the time to write it so well.

    It is of course terrible news. Over the course of a month the cost to create an identical encode, in this use case, is nearly $400 USD. Ouch. Our client wants to be month to month so reserve pricing is not an option.

    Thank you again for the answer.




Amazing ! Never saw that option before and there it is. Thousand dollar question. Will AWS bill us for the "shared" encode? They technically should not. Their pricing is based on many things not the least is GPU/CPU usage. Encoding can he GPU/CPU intensive. Pushing to a second destination is not.

Thanks again for pointing out this option.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Amazing. Ran some test events at a data center not normally used. Sure enough you guys were right. Then though the encodes were identical was billed for both. Yikes.


Utilizing the "shared encode" option so kindly pointed out by ^ Pedro.

If you look at the xml for the channel, one shared encode, two RTP destinations, you read that there is in fact a single encode not two the same way Elemental Live does. The only added cost would be the additional bandwidth traversal.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Hi B-Wilkinson,

    As Pedro_F mentioned, at the present time MediaLive is billed by the input and output and not by the encode, so there will be an additional output charge for the second RTP destination, even if the encode is shared between the two.

    Regards, Steve


You can share an encode within the same channel in MediaLive (similar to the Elemental Live encoder) :

AWS Elemental MediaLive is charged based on Inputs, Outputs, Add-Ons, Idle Resources and Data Transfer (, you don´t pay for the number of encodes being performed. This means that, even if you share the encode within the same channel, you will always pay for two outputs, and not for a single encode.

answered 2 years ago

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