Video delivery speed in AWS S3 storage


Hi, we have session recording software. We are looking for the following things: 1. Our session recording videos of all customers, as and when generated, should automatically get uploaded to AWS S3 from our VPS server. Is such an arrangement possible? 2. Currently, our session recording videos buffer for 10 seconds before starting to play. If we deliver this video through AWS S3, can buffering be reduced to 2 seconds? Basically, we want to deliver session recording videos to all our customers at the best video speed. How can I achieve this and by using which Amazon service?

2 Answers

Hi, For number 1, take a look at Kinesis Video Streams. This service was purpose built specifically to delivery streaming video to S3. For 2, there are several things you can try. First, you want to match you media with the consumer. For example, you don't necessarily want to deliver 4K video over a 3G comms link. So with both HLS and Dash you can provide adaptive bitrate streaming so that you can match the delivery network with the delivery format. Elemental MediaPackage does this for you and you can configure how Media Package works.

answered 2 years ago


What kind of format are you storing the video file in on S3? If it's one giant MP4 or MOV or similar file, you might want to pull the file through MediaConvert and output to S3 in either HLS or DASH format with a short segment length (Like 2 or 4 seconds), this would greatly reduce the time the player would need to buffer the content, as it's only downloading a few segments at a time while playing back the content. Rather than having to download the entire file to the player.


answered 2 years ago

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