Can I register multiple users in access control?


In my case I need to specify multiple user groups. For example, group A can access apps A, B, and C, but not apps D and E. Group B can access apps C, D, and E, but not apps A and B. In this case, the C app is accessible by both groups. I don't want to set separate username and password for each app. I want to use only two accounts, one for group A and one for group B. To do that, I need to be able to set up two accounts for a C app. In summary, I would like to know how to set up multiple accounts for access to one app. If this is not possible, I would like to know if there are any support plans.

asked 3 years ago318 views
1 Answer

Hi! If you're using Amplify, you can achieve this by using user groups. These logical groups in Cognito User Pools can assign permissions to access resources in Amplify categories.

answered 3 years ago

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