Lightsail revert back to ipv6 DNS not working


I disabled ipv6 in order to equip my LightSail instance with an ipv4 SSL certificate. The DNS resolution never worked after a few hours of waiting. nslookup never received an ipv4 address.

I re-enabled ipv6 DNS, which assigned a new ipv6 address to my instance. After another few hours, there are still no nslookup DNS resolution.

What else can I do besides perhaps recreate my routing in Route 53?

Larry H
asked a year ago295 views
1 Answer

Hi, thank you for reaching out, when you re-enable ipv6 on Lightsail instance, you will be assign a new ipv6 address, you will have to update your Route 53 to point your domain to a new AAAA records for the new ipv6 address. After updating your Route53 settings, you will be able to see the ipv6 address from nslookup

answered a year ago
  • This is not correct. There is no need to create a Route 53 AAAA Record. Instead, there is only ONE way to fix this issue. It is:

    Go into the LightSail instance Network tab to ensure ipv6 is enabled. Then go into the Domains tab and add new entries for your TLD and *.<TLD>. Then wait for a bit for NIC propagation. When your nslookup now succeeds, you will notice there are NO Route53 records, not even a registered domains in Route 53 is showing your domain (so, must be magically working)

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