How to Change back to Windowed View on AWS Workspace Virtual Desktop


I somehow changed the view setting to be Fullscreen. I want to change the default back to Windowed mode, but I can't seem to disable Fullscreen somehow. Anytime I boot up the workspace, it enters in Fullscreen mode.

Anyone know how to change the default view back to Windowed mode? I don't see any option at the top of my screen to change the view, is there a keyboard short cut?

asked 7 months ago309 views
2 Answers

Oh, I found the answer - CTRL + ALT + ENTER If anyone else has this issue, when in Fullscreen Mode, type in that keyboard shortcut and it'll execute back to Windowed mode

answered 7 months ago

Hello Kevin,

In full screen mode, when you move your mouse over the top of the screen the toolbar will drop down. Select View > Leave Full Screen and you can exit from full screen mode and switch to windowed mode.

Thanks Mayank

answered 7 months ago

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