Font loading is not proper in NoSQL Workbench (Windows 11)


I am using a Windows 11 PC (Lenovo Legion Y540) and have installed NoSQL Workbench v3.3.0

The fonts are not loading properly for me on the app, creating a strain on my eyes & ruining the experience. Here's a screenshot for your reference

UI Snapshot

I suspect this is due to a font not having been properly installed on my machine. Can you please tell me which font this application uses so that I can go install it & then maybe try rebooting the application and try again ? I have installed all Amazon Developer fonts, Helvetica, Roboto, Sans Serif on my machine & yet they somehow don't seem to be working

1 Answer

Hello, NoSQL Workbench uses font: Helvetica Neue Thanks for bringing this up. I will send this feedback to the NoSQL Workbench team to include this font package.

answered 2 years ago

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