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When is the lifecycle status of the component notified to the cloud?


When you select a Greengrass core device from the AWS console, you can see a list of components deployed to that device. When would the change in the lifecycle status of this component be notified to the cloud?

Using the "Local debug console" component, I tried starting and stopping a certain component repeatedly, and found that the status was reflected on the AWS console screen with a delay of about 15 seconds. From this, I assumed that the cloud is notified immediately when the lifecycle status changes, but I asked because it was not clearly stated in the document.

asked 8 months ago182 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

For Greengrass nucleus 2.12.3 and later, the core device sends status updates when the status of any component on the core device becomes ERRORED, BROKEN, RUNNING, or FINISHED.

Yes there is a ~15s time window on device to collect all status information before publishing a status update to cloud.

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • Thank you for your quick answer.

    For Greengrass nucleus 2.12.3 and later, the core device sends status updates when the status of any component on the core device becomes ERRORED, BROKEN, RUNNING, or FINISHED.

    Oops, I have overlooked above sentence. The reason is that I have read the Japanese version of the page, but the information is missing in the Japanese version. I will try to read the English version from now on :)

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