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I have an UBUNTU Instance that has no checks passed


I have an instance in Ubuntu that has not passed the checks, I can't enter it and I don't know how to solve it, yesterday I believe it and it was working fine and the checks were passed, I installed apache Mysql, php and wordpress, but now I can't enter The instance id is: i-0bb02c87767742f44 , I don't understand the error that it indicates when checking the status of the Instance Instance accessibility check failed Check failed on 2023/05/31 19:25 GMT-5 (about 15 hours)

Please your support, or what configuration would be missing... so that I don't have these spectacular falls, I was thinking of acquiring something paid, later but if so, it does not give me confidence

Kind regards Alberto Rivera

asked 2 years ago359 views
1 Answer

Is the instance still running in AWS Console? And if it is, can you select the instance and look in the "Moinitoring" tab - is there anything that looks like a cause for concern in there, such as high CPU utilisation at around the time the instance became unavailable?

A much more extensive list of things to try is at although admittedly a lot of these troubleshooting steps need access to the host (which you don't have).

It may be that you have no option other than to stop & start the instance. If that's what you have to do then it would be worth installing CloudWatch agent on it so you have more detailed information to work with if this recurs.

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answered 2 years ago

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