media convert - converting 720p to 480p


Hi. I am trying to convert 720p video PAR=1 DAR=16x9 to 480p but the output 480p has black bars. Is there a setting in the media convert to maintain DAR=16x9 on 480p output video to remove black bars? Thanks

asked 2 years ago337 views
3 Answers

HD resolution of 1280x720 is a 16x9 display aspect ration (DAR), where 720x480 is an SD 4x3 DAR. Using MediaConvert to transcode between these 2 resolutions, you may need to set the pixel aspect ratio (PAR) in the output settings to NTSC 0.909 or NTSC Widescreen 1.2121. Test both to determine which is best for your needs.

answered 2 years ago

Hi. Thanks for your quick response. I have tried to use NTSC Widescreen 1.2121 but I am still seeing narrower black bars on right and left side of the video. I would like to use the entire area. Is possible to use PAR=32:27 DAR=16:9? It looks like the transcoder doesn't honor those values. Thank you

answered 2 years ago

Please check the settings on your player. Occasionally they will display a window larger than the actual video resolutions. Running tests on a 1280x720p to 720x480p PAR NTSC 1.2121, black side bars on the output were not observed. The image is 16x9 DAR and the details on the file indicate 720x480. A PAR of 32:27 is not currently supported.

answered 2 years ago

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