IoT TwinMaker with Managed Grafana Annotation Problem - Unknown component type DataOverlay


I am working with AWS IoT Twinmaker and AWS Managed Grafana. I am building out a WindFarm scene and I am attempting to update Tag icons based on rules. The documentation seems pretty light in this area and I am following instructions here

Step 5. states:

In order to see tags change icons based on data: a. Add a "Get Property Value History by Component Type" query to the panel b. Select your component type and property, and optionally a filter on the property value. c. Select Order = DESC to pass data from most recent to oldest to the Scene Viewer. This panel will parse the data and pull off the first value to match with a tag's rule. This assumes you have composed your scene with rules to change tag icons based on data value thresholds. Note: The Scene Viewer only supports the "Get Property Value History by Component Type" query

I am seeing the error:

ValidationException: No dataReaderByComponentType or dataReader connector defined for a query within workspace

I configured the rule on the tag as follows within the scene Tag Rule

Then I followed the instructions in "Step 5." as just the tag rule didn't seem to work. I then see the error:

ValidationException: No dataReaderByComponentType or dataReader connector defined for a query within workspace

This is the tag location that should be updated Tag Location on the scene

Has anyone encountered this issue? Is there a step that I have missed in the configuration?

1 Answer


In order to use the "Get Property Value History by Component Type" you will need to set up a data connector that supports this type of query. Read more about data connectors here. You will specifically need the "DataReadByComponentType" connector implemented.

The Scene Viewer now also supports "Get Property Value History by Entity" query in Grafana where you can specify the same entityId, componentName, and propertyName that you set up for the tag's data binding. You will need to set up the "DataReaderByEntity" data connector for this.

Make sure you have data returned in your query in Grafana. Select the correct time range where you ingested data, and use the Table panel visualization to see the raw data in a panel. Then when you use the same query for the Scene Viewer the latest value returned will be used to resolve the tag's rule.

answered a year ago

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