Can Marketplace Container product reference public ECR repository?


Our product uses our own container plus the standard redis and postgres containers on AWS.

On the marketplace management portal, there is a step in the new product wizard to create an ECR repository to push our own images to.

Is there a way to reference publicly available redis and postgres images in our product? Or should we specify two additional repositories and push redis and postgres to those two?


1 Answer

Hi dsab123,

You have two main options for including Redis and PostgreSQL in your product on AWS Marketplace:

  1. Use Publicly Available Images: You can just point to Redis and PostgreSQL images that are already available online. This is easy because you don't have to worry about managing your own storage for these images. But, you'll need to make sure these images are reliable and always accessible.
  2. Create Your Own Repositories: Alternatively, you can set up your own storage space on AWS called Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Then, you can put Redis and PostgreSQL images there and use them in your product. This gives you more control over the versions of Redis and PostgreSQL you use, which can be important for making sure everything works smoothly.

Based on your product you only choose any approach that are more important to you.

answered 4 months ago
  • Hey Pandurangaswamy, thanks for your response. Where in the Marketplace Management portal would I find the option to use publicly available images?

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