Which fonts are actually available for burning in subtitles


I am seeing an issue when trying to burn in Subtitles using Elemental media encoder. I have tried to choose a Proportional sans serif font as fallback, but I can on get a monospace to appear in the the out no matter if the font in my caption file is Arial, Verdana or literally proportionalsansserif. This seems like a bug. Likewise for traditional Chinese, i can only get one single font to appear in the output. Something that looks like SimSum when I looked for something like SimHei. Is it possible to get a list of the fonts that are actually supported? The current selection of fonts seems very limited. And since i get the same font no matter what I try, it seems like a bug.

asked 2 years ago276 views
1 Answer


The MediaConvert supports the following generic font families listed in the TTML2 W3C recommendation: default, monospace, sansSerif, serif, monospaceSansSerif, monospaceSerif, proportionalSansSerif, proportionalSerif. Please follow the below documents for more details:

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/ttml-style-formatting.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/burn-in-output-captions.html

Please note: You can burn in only one track of captions in each output.

Currently there are no plans to add the more font options for burn-in output captions. If this is a requirement for your workflow, please let me know and we can forward your request as a feature request with our product team for prioritisation. Regarding the bug, we require further details that are non-public information . Please open a support case with AWS using the following link https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create

answered 2 years ago

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