CloudShell data is still scheduled for deletion after I launch CloudShell in that region


Got an email that says my AWS CloudShell data haven't been used for 110 days in us-east-1 Region and I need to launch it to stop the deletion. I clicked the link in the email and followed the instructions, I was in the correct region, a blank slide showed and it said "preparing your terminal..." then a few lines appeared and then it stopped. I thought that mean I have launched it, but when I went back to the health dashboard, the message about CloudShell data is still there. My ex set up everything for me as he works in IT and I have no IT background. I use shopify to sell candles online and the domains are registered with AWS. Can someone please kindly shed some lights and tell me if this deletion will effect my shopify website and why launching CloudShell data didn't change anything? Did I miss something? I only have a few days left before deletion happens...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I was in the correct region, a blank slide showed and it said "preparing your terminal..." then a few lines appeared and then it stopped.

For this one, you need to wait until you can execute the command in the CloudShell terminal.
Also, CloudShell may take several minutes to start up.

Can someone please kindly shed some lights and tell me if this deletion will effect my shopify website and why launching CloudShell data didn't change anything?

The loss of CloudShell data does not affect the domain configuration.
When CloudShell data disappears, files stored on CloudShell disappear.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Hi Riku, thank you so much for answering my question. Just want to confirm, do you mean even the screen stays like with just one line "[cloudshell-user@ip-10-6-180-32 ~]$ ", I keep it open for a few minutes and it will be considered "launched"? Or I have to type a particular command to "launch"? If so, what command should I type? I have zero programming background and any help will be highly appreciated !!

  • "[cloudshell-user@ip-10-6-180-32 ~]$" is displayed, it is activated. This is the state in which the shell user is displayed, so Linux commands can also be executed.

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