Sending Push Notification via FCM (Firebase)


I have configured the app to register the devices with Firebase and store the token on the DynamoDB table. Using campaigns on Firebase I am able to send messages from Firebase to the devices.

However, when I tried to send messages via Firebase using both Pinpoint and SNS I do not get see any trace of the notification being received on Firebase and the selected device.

Through the help of AWS support, I was informed that the structure to use for SNS should be { "GCM":"{ "notification": { "body": "Sample message for Android endpoints", "title":"TitleTest" } }" }

Also, using SNS I am able to see the response in Cloud Watch. The status of the response has the value SUCCESS

I looking for guidelines on how to correctly set up sending push notifications via Firebase using either SNS or PinPoint

1 Answer


I was able to find these references in our documentation and knowledge centers.


  1. Knowledge center article ->
  2. Documentation ->


  1. Documentation ->

That said, it seems that you already have a setup at the moment and you are able to see the SNS delivery logs. I understand that you see a successful response but can you check if the statusCode and providerResponse also indicate success? Have you shown the logs in the AWS Support case that you mentioned? It may be best to show these logs to the support case as we are not able to check account specific information here in re:Post.

answered 3 years ago

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