Cold storage pricing


I try to understand how the cold storage pricing works for AWS Backup. For instance let's say we have this scenario:

We have an EFS drive with 50 TB of data. The backup is scheduled for every day and data are transitioned to cold storage after 7 days. Every day 0.25 TB of data change

How will the storage type look like at the 9th day? Is it like the following? warm storage: 0.25 * 7 TB cold storage: 50 + 0.25 * 1 TB

Thank you for the help!

asked a year ago820 views
1 Answer

AWS Backup storage pricing is based on the amount of storage space your backup data consumes. The storage amount billed in a month is based on the average storage space used throughout the month (billed as GB-Month). For Amazon EFS File System, the cost is $0.05 per GB-Month for warm storage and $0.01 per GB-Month for cold storage for the us-east1 region. Using the pricing example in the below URL, I would estimate the cost as follows. I excluded the 0.25 TB of growth for simplicity.

50,000GB x 7 days = 350,000 GB Days 350,000 /30 = 11,666.67 GB-Month 11,666.67 * 0.05 = $583.33 for 7 days of warm storage

50,000 GB x 23 days = 1,250,000 GB Days 1,250,000 /30 = 38,333.33 GB-Month 38,333.33 * 0.01 = $383.33 for 23 days of cold storage

answered a year ago

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