Cannot Deregister Amazon Workspace Application Manager from a Directory


Hello, I want to delete an AWS Directory Service Directory in my account. The Directory Service page says it is still being used by Amazon Workspaces Application Manager. Here is a screenshot, edited to remove some info: Enter image description here.

I tried to follow the procedure described here: to fix the issue.

The problem is: there is no "Usage" link in the page. I clicked on the "Directories" link, and it showed the directory I'm trying to delete. However there is no option to "Remove all assignments".

How can I delete the Directory?

asked 9 months ago455 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Amazon Workspace Application Manager is deprecated which could be the reason you are not able to see the option. Please open a support case and we can assist you with dissociating the application from the directory, then you can delete the directory.

answered 9 months ago
  • I opened a support case and they resolved the issue. Thanks!

  • Dear Mayank, I have the same exact problem. I opened support case and issue is not yet resolved. Bills keep ramping up because of this, and I can't afford it.

  • Hello OCH,

    Please reach out to the AWS support to follow up on the ticket status and they should be able to provide an update.

  • I have exactly the same problem, I raised an account support case , and was given instructions , but as WAM is now deprecated I cant follow them and I cant remove the WAM associations from the simple AD . is thgere a way to get help with this when on Basic Support plan.

  • Hello Anthony, The customer support team should be able to escalate this internally and get the application deregistered forcefully from the directory.


I confirm Mayank_J was right. After insisting more with my ticket, and waiting for it to be escalated, I was finally able to see this problem solved.

I confess this was very unexpected, and un-needed stress. I had not used workspaces for 4 years and was surprised with an almost $30 bill last month that was predicted to reach $120+ by the end of this month. The fact that WAM is deprecated and that the user is unable to remove it by himself, plus the fact that the support ticket first response is to follow the instructions pages, that are simply not possible to follow, seemed like an elaborate loophole for, well, loosing money. Especially since I haven't used aws in the last 4 years it was a stresfull moment making sense out of it. But all is good now, and Pratik (aws support) was able to make it right.

Hope other users can have a little less stressful experience than mine. All the best,

answered 8 months ago

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