Configuring containerd on EKS


Hi all. We've been trying to enter this user data in our template for our managed node groups on eks but the containerd-config.toml file is always the default setup by eks, does eks overwrite what we do or does the file not get edited? We have set a txt to display any error but that file isn't saved on the node either. Any idea what's happening?

#!/bin/bash echo '[plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.configs."PRIVATE-REGISTRY".tls] insecure_skip_verify = true [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."PRIVATE-REGISTRY"] endpoint = ["PRIVATE-REGISTRY"]' | sudo tee -a /etc/containerd/config.toml 2>&1 | tee containerd.txt

sudo systemctl restart containerd sudo containerd config dump | tee containerd.txt

1 Answer

Seems like EKS is overwriting the file. This might happen because EKS uses - EKS optimized Amazon Linux AMI. This AMI uses Amazon Linux 2 as its base image and has additional components. One such component is containerd. As this AMI is regularly updated, there is a chance that your changes will be lost.


To avoid this issue, you can create Custom AMI and use it for your cluster. This can solve your problem

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answered a year ago
  • Hi thank you for your response. Are you aware of any guide we can follow to create this or which base AMI we can use? because the base AMI's we have been using still give us the same results.

  • You can use any base AMI (ex: Amazon Linux2). You launch instance using base image, configure the server and create the image. Then use the AMI in your eks cluster. This should work. If it doesnt, create an instance from your AMI and check the configuration. Also, you check the system log.

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