Analyzing insights from reviews -comprehend



I'm trying to do this tutorial about "Analyzing insights from reviews"( When I arrive at step 5 I get this error in Athena : COLUMN_NOT_FOUND: line 5:3: Column 'file' cannot be resolved or requester is not authorized to access requested resources. You may need to manually clean the data at location 's3://..."

Why do I get this error ? is it related to the crawler?


asked 10 months ago230 views
1 Answer

The problem was related to the extraction of the tar archive and the fact that Glue is unable to read it a tar file. As a solution I extracted the file from the archive as a txt format and this solved my problem when creating the Athena tables.

" It's important to decompress and unpack the original archives because AWS Glue can’t automatically read data from a tar archive. However, AWS Glue can read from files in Gzip format."

answered 10 months ago

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