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AWS Account update contact


I have to programmatically update contact details of 120 AWS accounts. I checked both cli and boto3 and was not able to find anything for "contacts". Last month, I had to update alternate contacts, and boto3 and cli, both have put_alternate_contact available.

Please note an update contact exists for AWS connect client, I am looking for the AWS Account client.

Was curious if there is a programmatic way to update the contacts , or does it have to be done manually?

Thank you.

asked a year ago366 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer
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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks, I used this and it did update most of the information, from my shell script. However, for the attribute --contact-information, if spaces are given on the shorthand Values, it does not process.. w.r.t. AddressLine1=string,AddressLine2=string,AddressLine3=string,City=string,CompanyName=string,CountryCode=string,DistrictOrCounty=string,FullName=string,PhoneNumber=string,PostalCode=string,StateOrRegion=string,WebsiteUrl=string

    However, I achieved the primary contact update through boto3, using the put_contact_information, you advised.. Thank you!!

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