Payment due reminders



What's that payment for after not using AWS for a long time? I can't find details in the billing section.

Best regards

asked 8 months ago198 views
2 Answers


I've the same situation, my account was not used for years but was totally empty. I just login after few years, update details and payment option. Also my account required additional validation.

There was no additional costs from my side.


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answered 8 months ago

There could be a few possibilities for charges appearing after not using AWS for some time:

EBS Volumes - If you have provisioned EBS volumes, you pay for the allocated storage per month even if no instances are actively attached.

EIPs - There is a small hourly charge for provisioned but unused Elastic IPs.

CloudWatch Logs - You pay per GB ingested for log storage, even for inactive log groups.

S3 Glacier/Glacier Deep Archive - Retrieval fees are charged when objects are retrieved from glacier storage.

DNS Route53 - Charges apply for hosted zones and queries even if not actively used.

Elastic Load Balancers - Small hourly charges apply for provisioned load balancers if not removed.

NAT Gateways - Hourly fees apply for provisioned NAT gateways not being utilized.

Idle Resources - Any allocated but unused resources like RDS DBs, Redshift clusters etc.

I would recommend going through your AWS console/billing dashboard to identify and cleanup any resources that may still be provisioned but unused. Filtering by service and resource should help identify charges.

answered 7 months ago

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