How to check if the OS upgrade is complete


hello. Events related to OS upgrade have been confirmed as shown below.

Health Events Here is a summary of the milestones related to the OS upgrade.

  • You can now initiate OS upgrades at any time on Amazon RDS for affected MariaDB DB instances until August 31, 2022 at 9:01 AM KST.
  • After August 31, 2022 at 9:01 AM KST, Amazon RDS will automatically upgrade the MariaDB DB instance's OS to the latest version within the maintenance window.

RDS Settings

  • Engine Version: MariaDB 10.4.21
  • Class: db.m5.xlarge
  • Minor version auto-upgrade enabled.

There was maintenance work, so I applied it right away.

  • Recommendation type applied: Enhanced monitoring off

Pending maintenance tasks are not checked in the RDS console. How can I check if the upgrade is complete?

For RDS Mariadb, how do I check for recommendations?

Thank you.

1 Answer


I see that you have listed the health Events related to OS upgrade above and I checked those events in the following document unfortunately, I couldn’t see the schedule for operating system updates for RDS for MariaDB. I would recommend this or for your use case.

You can check the completed upgrade in your console, under configuration tab. You can also check the completed upgrade using the following commands: SELECT VERSION(); , SELECT @@version; , SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name = 'version’; , SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name LIKE '%version%’; , STATUS;

Thank you

answered 2 years ago

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